
Thursday, March 16, 2023

Raging Pet Monkey Jumps on Oklahoma Woman in her Yard and 'Almost Rips Her Ear Off' in Traumatizing Experience

An Oklahoma woman was surprised to see a monkey outside her window on her front porch, trying to get into her house. The monkey was repeatedly pushing the button on her screen door until the button broke off, and she was trying to hold her door closed. When authorities arrived on the scene, she went outside and was attacked by her neighbor's pet monkey which almost "rips her ear off."

Vocal monkey
Image by Dmitriy Zub on Unsplash

A woman from Dickson, Oklahoma was traumatized by recent events involving her neighbor's pet monkey. She had never seen the monkey before it first appeared on her porch and the events that followed.

Brittany Parker: 'There's a Monkey on My Porch'

FOX 25 News reported that on Sunday, 12 March 2023, Brittany Parker was sitting inside her home in Dickson, Oklahoma when she noticed a monkey outside her window on her front porch. The monkey repeatedly pushed the button on her screen door until the button broke off. She was holding her screen door closed until authorities arrive on the scene.

Monkey on porch
Monkey on front porch; photo by Brittany Parker

Brittany told FOX 25 News what happened.
She said:
"I was sitting here in this exact spot and I looked out the window and there was a monkey looking at me," victim Brittany Parker said. "I took a second glance and said 'Oh my God! There is a monkey on the front porch.' The monkey was trying to get into my house," Parker said. "The little button that you push in on the screen door, he broke it off. I was literally hanging onto my door trying to hold it closed." -Brittany Parker, victim of monkey attack (Source: FOX 25 News)
Brittany Parker
Brittany Parker with bandage on ear; photo by FOX 25 News

After Dickson police arrive on the scene, Brittany went outside and was attacked by the monkey. It jumps on her back, viciously ripping out some of her hair, and almost ripped her ear off.
She said:
"He jumped up on my back and landed on my head," Parker said. "He started grabbing handfuls of hair and just ripped it out. He ripped my ear almost completely off of my head." -Brittany Parker, victim of monkey attack (Source: FOX 25 News)
Authorities searched the premises for the monkey.
New York Post reported that "the monkey belonged to an unidentified neighbor" and it "went missing for hours before a friend of Parker's reportedly shot it dead."
This is when Dickson Police on the scene searching for the monkey heard two gunshots and the monkey was killed.

They later found out that the monkey belonged to the neighbor.
After the traumatizing experience, she is now afraid to let her son play outside.
She said:
"My son loves to play outside," Parker said. "Do I let my child go outside and play? Do I worry every time we step outside if we are going to be attacked by something? It is very traumatizing. It is very scary." -Brittany Parker, victim of monkey attack (Source: FOX 25 News)
Brittany indicated that she will need plastic surgery to fix her ear.

Owning a Monkey is Not Illegal in Oklahoma

According to 1063theBuzz, it is not illegal to own a pet monkey in Oklahoma if a person has a wildlife license, which is $48. There are no specifically banned pets in Oklahoma if a person has a wildlife license.
Do you think it should be illegal to own certain animals as pets in Oklahoma?
Please share this article with friends and family on social media so they can be informed about this story.


Propper, David. "Monkey that nearly ripped off Oklahoma mom's ear seen charging at different homeowner." New York Post. 15 March 2023.
Smith, Sara. "'It was very traumatizing': Loose pet monkey attacks woman in Dickson." FOX 25 News. 13 March 2023.

Stryker. "Oklahoma Woman Has Ear Nearly Ripped Off by Neighbor's Pet Monkey." 1063theBuzz. 14 March 2023. 

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