
Sunday, September 07, 2014

Make Money Online Posting Pictures with Redgage

RedGage is the way to make money online posting pictures

If you are looking for a way to make money online posting pictures, there is a way. There is one social media site that pays you pennies per so many page views on your online content posted.

The website is Redgage.

Here's how it works:

1. You post pictures, blog posts, links on Redgage.
2. People view the pictures. You get paid $0.60 per 1,000 views.
3. Your account grows each time so many people view each piece of content.
4. A Visa Redgage card is mailed to you after your account reaches $50.

So to answer your question: Is there a way to make money online posting pictures?

The answer is: Yes!
Redgage logo

Redgage is a Social Media Website Where Users Make Money Online Posting Pictures

Redgage is the only social network that has been around and pays people for uploading content to their social media account. It has been around for years and doesn't just disappear when it is time to pay the members.

Redgage is an awesome way to log into social media and earn money at the same time. It is the only way to make money online posting pictures.

If you would like to make money online posting pictures, use my personal referral link:


Unknown said...

good blog, very interesting.... this post was a good read on making money with pics

Zack said...

Thanks for stopping by and reading, Phil.