
Friday, September 27, 2024

104.3 MYFM What's That Noise? Contest Sound Guesses 'The Unsanctioned List' for Fall 2024

104.3 MYfm What's That Noise Contest & Unsanctioned List 2024 

104.3 MYFM 'What's That Noise' Contest Returned in 2024

Congratulations! You have found the secret Unsanctioned List that Valentine is always talking about on the show. All past guesses are listed below by day to help you win the cash prize. 

Bookmark this website so you can come back daily. 😉

Scroll down to see the list of incorrect guesses so far.

104.3 MYfm What's That Noise
104.3 MYfm What's That Noise? contest 2024

If you listen every day to 104.3 MYfm radio station, you should participate in the What's That Noise contest to win the cash prize

There are four ways you can listen:

You can listen to MYFM live on the radio, using the iheart radio app, from a smart speaker, or stream it live from the website.

Call In and Win Cash!

Be the 20th caller at the following times and you can get a chance to guess the noise: 
Monday-Friday Pacific time at 7:25 AM, 8:25 AM, 9:25 AM, 11:25 AM, 1:25 PM, 3:25 PM, 5:25 PM. If your call gets through, you have a chance to guess the noise. Listen to the noise when they play it, or on the website address below to hear it.

What's That Noise Contest Contact info.
Phone Number: 866-544-6936
Contest Website:

Tips for Calling In:
Based on the comments received so far, the best advice is that when you call, if you get a busy signal, then you want to hang up and try dialing in again. When you get through, it will actually ring

If you are caller 1-19, you will likely not talk to an actual person, but you will get a ring, and then the line will hang up on you. If you are caller #20, then someone will answer the phone and congratulate you for being caller #20.

Get a few seconds head start: Another pro tip came from a caller in the morning. She was Live on the Air with Valentine and said she listens to 104.3 MYfm on the iHeartradio app on her smartphone and says that the app is a few seconds ahead of the FM radio station and she said it gives her a head start on everyone else.

If you are at home and using a smart device (i.e. Amazon Echo), say: "Alexa, play iHeartradio station KBIG" and Alexa should respond, "Getting your one Thousand forty-three MyFM station from iHeartradio." 

104.3 MYFM's What's That Noise Contest for Fall 2024, List of Incorrect Guesses a.k.a. 'The Unsanctioned List' is Below 👇


Sound #1 in September 2024

First Clue: Bounce
Second Clue: Scented

Congratulations to Ann from San Gabriel for winning $38,900 for correctly guessing dryer sheet.

The What's That Noise Contest started back on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024!

Noise Guesses for Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024

Note: The cash prize started at $1,000 and increases by $100 with each subsequent incorrect guess.
  • Ripping a piece off the paper towel roll, prize up to $1,100
  • Opening an envelope - prize up to $1,200
  • Waxing hair - prize up to $1,300
  • Opening a box of Tic Tac's breath mints - prize up to $1,400
  • A paper cutter - prize up to $1,500
  • Velcro - prize up to $1,600
  • Shoveling dirt - prize up to $1,700
Noise Guesses for Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $1,700 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Windbreaker drawstring - prize up to $1,800
  • Paper cutting machine - prize up to $1,900
  • Zipping up a backpack - prize up to $2,000
  • Tissue - prize up to $2,100
  • Sharpening a knife - prize up to $2,200
  • Pulling masking tape - prize up to $2,300
  • Air can duster - prize up to $2,400
Noise Guesses for Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $2,400 and increases by $1,000 with each incorrect guess. It's Thousand Dollar Thursday!
  • Opening a sugar packet - prize up to $3,400
  • Pushing a straw through a plastic lid - prize up to $4,400
  • Peeling a banana - prize up to $5,400
  • Using a peeler to peel fruits & vegetables - prize up to $6,400
  • Ripping tape off of a box - prize up to $7,400
  • Releasing steam from an Instapot - prize up to $8,400
  • Tearing off parchment paper - prize up to $9,400
Noise Guesses for Friday, Sept. 6, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $9,400 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Cutting into a coconut 🥥 - prize up to $9,500
  • A money counter - prize up to $9,600
  • A nail file or Emory board - prize up to $9,700
  • Ripping open a piece of mail - prize up to $9,800
  • Biting into a carrot 🥕 - prize up to $9,900
  • Paper cutter - prize up to $10,000
  • Cutting an apple 🍎 - prize up to $10,100

Noise Guesses for Monday, Sept. 9, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $10,100 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Ripping cardboard - prize up to $10,200
  • Opening a bandaid - prize up to $10,300
  • Foaming soap dispenser - prize up to $10,400
  • Biting an apple 🍎 - prize up to $10,500
  • Opening a soda can - prize up to $10,600
  • Ziploc bag - prize up to $10,700
  • Spreading something on toast - prize up to $10,800
Noise Guesses for Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $10,800 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Shuffling a deck of cards - prize up to $10,900
  • Licking an ice cream cone 🍦 or frozen treat - prize up to $11,000
  • Peeling an onion 🧅 - prize up to $11,100
  • Peeling a post it note - prize up to $11,200
  • Starting a car 🚗 - prize up to $11,300
  • An electric stapler - prize up to $11,400
  • Zipping up a backpack 🎒 - prize up to $11,500
Noise Guesses for Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $11,500 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Closing a drawer - prize up to $11,600
  • Wooden sliding cabinet - prize up to $11,700
  • Wiping down a desk - prize up to $11,800
  • Sharpening a pencil - prize up to $11,900
  • Box cutter - prize up to $12,000
  • Ripping tape off of a box - prize up to $12,100
  • Peeling an orange 🍊 - prize up to $12,200

Noise Guesses for Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $12,200 and increases by $1,000 with each incorrect guess. It's Thousand Dollar Thursday!
  • Ice skates hitting the ice - prize up to $13,200
  • Spraying whipped cream - prize up to $14,200
  • Opening a metal ladder - prize up to $15,200
  • Pulling apart Velcro - prize up to $16,200
  • Carving a pumpkin - prize up to $17,200
  • Retractable lanyard - prize up to $18,200
  • Cutting paper with a paper cutter - $19,200
Noise Guesses for Friday, Sept. 13, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $19,200 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Changing a baby diaper - prize up to $19,300
  • Hole punching paper - prize up to $19,400
  • Writing on a piece of paper - prize up to $19,500
  • Rotary cutter - prize up to $19,600
  • Grabbing or moving a chair - prize up to $19,700
  • Cardboard getting cut by a box cutter - prize up to $19,800
  • Lint roller - prize up to $19,900
Noise Guesses for Monday, Sept. 16, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $19,900 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Pencil sharpener - prize up to $20,000
  • Scissors cutting - prize up to $20,100
  • Letter opener tearing open an envelope - prize up to $20,200
  • Releasing the air from a balloon or tire - prize up to $20,300
  • Ripping tape off of cardboard box - prize up to $20,400
  • Sipping or slurping on a straw - prize up to $20,500
  • Spreading butter on toast with a knife - prize up to $20,600
Noise Guesses for Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $20,600 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Biting into a KitKat bar - prize up to $20,700
  • Pulling a Clorox wipe out of the container - prize up to $20,800
  • Moving a computer mouse quickly - prize up to $20,900
  • A locker - prize up to $21,000
  • Blowing into a cartridge or something to get out the dirt - prize up to $21,100
  • Putting a straw into a cup of ice 🧊 - prize up to $21,200
  • Ripping cardboard - prize up to $21,300
Noise Guesses for Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $21,300 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess. 

Valentine reminded listeners that the noise is typically not mechanical, but rather it is something created by some human action. No official hints have been given yet but Valentine might have given a hidden clue when he told the guesser at the 9:25 a.m. hour, "Go with your gut." (If you think you've heard a tip on the air, please share it in the comments)
  • Letting air out of a balloon 🎈 - prize up to $21,400
  • Slurping noodles - prize up to $21,500
  • A toaster - prize up to $21,600
  • Tearing off a bandaid - prize up to $21,700
  • Ripping paper from a notebook - prize up to $21,800
  • Playing cards - prize up to $21,900
  • Shoveling - prize up to $22,000

Noise Guesses for Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $22,000 and increases by $1,000 with each incorrect guess. It's Thousand Dollar Thursday! That means the cash prize will grow fast.
  • Eyeglasses or sunglasses opening or closing - prize up to $23,000
  • Scraping with a fingernail - prize up to $24,000
  • Making a ribbon curl with scissors ✂️ - prize up to $25,000
  • Straw through lid of cup - prize up to $26,000
  • Swiping a credit card for a charge - prize up to $27,000
  • Cutting vegetables or fruits - prize up to $28,000
  • Moving curtains - prize up to $29,000

Noise Guesses for Friday, Sept. 20, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $29,000 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Using chalk - prize up to $29,100
  • Grilling on a BBQ grill - prize up to $29,200
  • Lacing a shoe - prize up to $29,300
  • Cutting or tearing construction paper - prize up to $29,400
  • Opening a sliding window - prize up to $29,500
  • Combing hair with a brush - prize up to $29,600
  • Zipper from a backpack - prize up to $29,700

Noise Guesses for Monday, Sept. 23, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $29,700 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Classroom screen projector - prize up to $29,800
  • A piggy bank being turned upside down - prize up to $29,900
  • Flipping the pages of a book - prize up to $30,000
  • Cutting a block of ice 🧊 - prize up to $30,100
  • A folding fan 🪭 - prize up to $30,200
  • Lighting a match - prize up to $30,300
  • Ripping up flooring or tearing out carpet - prize up to $30,400

Noise Guesses for Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $30,400 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Pulling money out of a wallet - prize up to $30,500
  • Pulling up or down a projector screen - prize up to $30,600
  • Pulling a tissue out of a box - prize up to $30,700
  • A foot sliding on gravel - prize up to $30,800
  • Folding or creasing paper - prize up to $30,900
  • Sweeping a broom 🧹 - prize up to $31,000
  • A Cheeto - prize up to $31,100
If you like the unsanctioned list, please share the link on Facebook!

If you would like to share a correction or update to the unsanctioned list, text to (818) 278-4169 or you can leave a public comment below.

Noise Guesses for Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $31,100 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess. 
  • Ripping tape off of a box - prize up to $31,200
  • Sliding a tray at a cafeteria - prize up to $31,300
  • A straw coming out of a juice box or juice pouch - prize up to $31,400
  • Ice skates ⛸️ on ice - prize up to $31,500
  • Putting a key into a lock 🔐 - prize up to $31,600
  • A salad spinner 🥗 - prize up to $31,700
  • Using sandpaper - prize up to $31,800

Tomorrow is Thousand Dollar Thursday! 

We have heard Valentine say multiple times on the air, "Go with your gut!" We think this could be a hidden clue (also see comments from listeners below the post). No official hints have been given out, but he keeps saying this phrase to callers.

If you would to share a correction or update, text comments to (818) 278-4169 or you can leave a public comment below.

Noise Guesses for Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $31,800 and increases by $1,000 with each incorrect guess. It's Thousand Dollar Thursday! That means the cash prize will grow fast.
  • Money counting machine - prize up to $32,800
  • Ripping a tag off of a T-shirt 👕 - prize up to $33,800
  • A rotating door - prize up to $34,800
  • Tearing toilet paper off of the roll - prize up to $35,800
  • A paper cutter cutting paper - prize up to $36,800
  • Counting money in a money counter machine - prize up to $37,800
  • Pulling paper towel from the dispenser - prize up to $38,800
The first clue was given at 5:25 p.m. hour on 9/26/24.

First Clue given at 5:25 p.m. hour: Bounce

If you would like a response to your message, text comments to (818) 278-4169 or you can leave a public comment below.

Noise Guesses for Friday, Sept. 27, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $38,800 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.
  • Tennis ball pulled from Velcro - prize up to $38,900
  • Ann guessed dryer sheet and won $38,900 at 8:25 a.m. hour!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
The second clue was given at 7:25 a.m. hour on 9/27/24 and more clues will be revealed every hour until the sound is correctly guessed.

Second Clue given: Scented

If you would like a response to your message, text comments to (818) 278-4169 or you can leave a public comment below.

What's That Noise Winning Guesses in Previous Years

If you would like to get an idea of what sounds have been in previous years, here are examples of past sounds.

Early 2017: 
Sound #1 - An adjustable office chair
Sound #2 - Closing a laptop computer
Sound #3 - Umbrella
Sound #4 - Fidget spinner
Sound #5 - Flip flops
Sound #6 - Opening a bottle of medicine
Sound #7 - Dropping a ball

Early 2018: 
Sound #1 - Blinds
Sound #2 - A dryer lint trap
Sound #3 - Light switch

Late 2018: 
Sound #1 - Opening a can
Sound #2 - Opening a paper bag
Sound #3 - Rolling a garage can down a drive-way

Summer 2019: 
Sound #1 - Pulling open the plastic part of a snapback baseball hat
Sound #2 - An inner sleeve of an album inside an album cover
Sound #3 - Spaghetti breaking in half
Sound #4 - A dog tapping its feet on the floor

Summer 2020: 
Sound #1 - Cereal being poured into a bowl
Sound #2 - Ironing board
Sound #3 - Bag of chips

Fall 2020: 
Sound #1 - Cleaning wipes
Sound #2 - Putting a kid's straw into a juice box

Summer 2021: 
Sound #1 - Rolling or pulling a suitcase
Sound #2 - Garage door clicker
Sound #3 - Pool noodle

Fall 2021: 
Sound #1 - Putting on a sock
Sound #2 - Deodorant
Sound #3 - Orange
Sound #3 - Candy

Spring 2022: 
Sound #1 - Paper towel 
Sound #2 - Spreading butter on toast 
Sound #3 - Pillow
Sound #4 - Opening and closing a Ziploc bag
Sound #5 - Eraser

Fall 2023: 
Sound #1 - Putting in or taking out batteries
Sound #2 - Someone taking a bite of watermelon
Sound #3 - Popping a champagne bottle
Sound #4 - Hoodie

Fall 2024: 
Sound #1 - Dryer sheet

Sound #2 in September 2024

In case there is a Sound #2, this is reserved for those details.

Noise Guesses for Friday, Sept. 27, 2024:

Note: The cash prize started at $1,000 and increases by $100 with each incorrect guess.

  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!
  • More guesses coming soon!

If you would like a response to your message, text comments to (818) 278-4169 or you can leave a public comment below.

Don't forget to share the Unsanctioned List on social media! 
Unsanctioned List
The Unsanctioned List

The What's That Noise incorrect guess lists (the "Unsanctioned List") for 2024 will be updated regularly, so check back daily. 

Z.Love's Entertainment Blog is #1 for What's That Noise

Keep listening to 104.3 MYfm Los Angeles radio station Live or on iHeart radio daily. 104.3 MYfm Los Angeles radio station call sign is KBIG and serves the Greater Los Angeles area.

Disclaimer: This blog is not affiliated with or paid by 104.3 MYfm. All content is to encourage listeners to play the "What's That Noise?" contest. Listen to 104.3 MYfm Live or on #iHeartradio and visit their website for official contest rules.

Play 104.3 MYfm What's That Noise? Responsibly. Pull over and safely call in.

Tell me about your Experience:
If you have successfully called in and guessed a noise for this contest in the past, please share your experience in the comments section. (i.e. Did you sit through a busy signal, or did you get through on your first try?)

Other radio stations play secret sounds, but 104.3 MYfm runs the original What's That Noise contest with the best cash prize with the jackpot increasing by $1,000 with incorrect guesses on 'Thousand Dollar Thursdays' during the Valentine in the Morning radio show.


Anonymous said...

There has been hints. Has anyone remember what was those hints they gave??

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard any hints yet. They said above Valentine said "Go with your Gut" and that is supposedly a hint?

Anonymous said...

No hints given yet

Anonymous said...

All I hear was that it's a noise they got to physically make not that it's a clue but an advice

Anonymous said...

The iHeartRadio app is actually delayed. I just tried it right now the app and car radio and the app is delayed.

Anonymous said...

Last week someone said ladder sound and they said " good guess" . They have not said good guess to anyone else . That has stuck in my head as a hint.

Anonymous said...

On their Instagram someone asked if any of the guesses were close and Valentine commented back and said no.

Zack said...

Thank you for sharing this tip.

Anonymous said...

This was on 9/19

Anonymous said...

Yes delayed on app

Anonymous said...

Has anybody gotten thru?

Anonymous said...

When do they start leaving hints. how high does it have to go up too?

Anonymous said...

The only guess they have given so far was "Nothing mechanical", like the toaster pop-up noise. It would need to be something they have control over.

Anonymous said...

I know the answer heard it on another radio station. I was able to get thru but they hung up and I heard a ding ding sound.

Anonymous said...

I’ve gotten to be caller #6, #8, but never #20😭

Anonymous said...

I have gotten through and been one of the early # caller, but never caller # 20

Anonymous said...

Maybe helpful to some- I found out that they get caller #20 in less than one minute.

Anonymous said...

The highest someone has won I think was $50k

Anonymous said...

At least on two occasions, Valentine has told the caller to “go with your gut”. Got to be a clue.

Anonymous said...

It was mentioned in the previous comments, but Valentine again told the caller this morning to “go with your gut”. Gotta be some sort of clue!

Anonymous said...

Remember it's non mechanical

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Thanks for putting the list together lovezack! Hope one of the readers here win the big money prize.

Anonymous said...

I've been caller #4, #6 and #18 so far! Keep trying!

Zack said...

That's awesome!

Zack said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

How do you know what number caller you are? Every time I call all I hear is a busy signal.

Anonymous said...

You'll hear a ding noise when they answer and they usually just say real faster caller ____ then hang up

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any guesses of the noise? I can not figure it out. Lol

Anonymous said...

if you get a busy you aren’t getting through, too many people. it’s rare that you’ll be told a number like ie: “#10” and they’ll hang up right away.

Vee said...

Thanks soo much for making this very informative list!!! Lots of my guesses have been guessed earlier, good to know, now I'm stumped but still thinking!! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...