
Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Five Breeding Bulls Found without Blood on Oregon Ranch, Remains a Mystery

Bull carcass found without genitals, tongue or blood

Five bulls have been found dead in Oregon at Silvies Valley Ranch across the Summer of 2019, and their deaths remain a mystery.

The President of the Ranch, Colby Marshall, says that these breeding bulls are valued at about $6,000.00 each, and weighed about 2,000 lbs. each. All ranch staff have been directed to go out in pairs armed for protection, as it is not easy to take down a bull in such a manner without leaving a drop of blood. In addition to the scene devoid of blood, the genitals and tongues were surgically removed, in addition to the bulls' insides.

Bull Carcass Found without Blood, Genitals or Tongues 

The bulls were found without a drop of blood, with their insides removed, including their genitals and tongue surgically cut out. NPR writer Anna King describes it as experiencing a strange feeling walking up to the empty carcass. The coat is still shiny, there are no scavengers around the carcass, there is no blood, and the body of the bull carcass looks like a "deflated plush toy."

Oregon Sheriff says the Leading Theory is Alien Abductions 

The Harney County Sheriff's office Deputy Dan Jenkins says that calls are coming in with tips, and the leading theory is that the bulls were abducted by aliens. The prevailing theory is that aliens beam the bull up, perform surgery on the bull and beam its carcass back down.

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